The following photos were taken on site at various Floor Heating Repair projects that we have worked on:
Bathurst, NSW. MIMS cable struck by lightning. |
Sydney, NSW. Glass door guide. |
X marks the spot. Accurate location of damage and only one tile removed. |
Canberra. Laboratory Construction Site. Cables cut by diamond saw when additional expansion joints were cut in the concrete. |
Thredbo. Road de-ice cable damaged near garden. |
Griffith, NSW. Under tile element cut in 11 places by tiler cutting and removing tiles. |
Sydney, NSW. Previous damage repaired by unknown person. Not an approved repair. |
Sydney, NSW. Accurate location of a fault in Ensuite. Only one tile removed. |
Sydney, NSW. Close up of previous photo. Impact damage to an Elektra in-screed cable. Located and retained for insurance purposes. |
Sydney,NSW. MIMS (Pyro) cable overheated following lightning strike. This one was not repairable. |
Canberra, ACT. In-screed cable close to wall and damaged during carpet smooth edge installation. |
Narromine, NSW. Alcatel cable cold tail junction failed due to damage during installation |
Minus 35degC freezer room. Door de-icing cable repair. Yes it was cold.
Canberra, ACT. Reinforcing mesh and cable marked for equipment installation. |
Sydney, NSW. MIMS (Pyro) damaged with resultant burn back and cable failure. |
Melbourne, VIC. How’s this for luck? Doorstop installation. 2 x damage to cable. |
Canberra, ACT. Impact damage Nexans in-slab cable, impact damage during installation of floor. |
Canberra, ACT. Under carpet supply cables cut by carpet layer at steps |
The following photos are taken using an Infra Red camera which helps identify hot spots where floor heating issues are likely to exist:
Adelaide, SA. Cable damaged at floor waste in bathroom |
Canberra, ACT. Point of damage and cable layout |
Cable damaged adjacent to bathroom floor waste |
Cable loops installed too close and crossed over. No warranty and potential failures |
Checking if my coffee is served at the correct temperature |
The cable is not installed according to manufacturer’s recommendations |
Incorrect installation. Cable overlapping with potential for overheating and failure. |
This shows where the cable was cut by tiler when cleaning prior to grouting |
Sydney,NSW. 2 x cold tail junctions overheating following damage during installation |
Cable close to surface on stairs. Point’s of potential overheating and failure. |
Cowra, NSW. Two faults visible in bathroom floor. |
Narromine, NSW. Cable damaged during installation of expansion joint and resulting failure. |
Perth, WA. Faulty circuit breakers overheating. This caused the breakers to “trip” and a cold floor |
Perth, WA. What a place to end?? |